April 2024

Meet in Burnaby Update

A short update on all things Meet in Burnaby:

MPI Gala, Ottawa

Go West Live, Edmonton

2024 started on a high note. I attended the GoWest show in Edmonton at the end of January with 3 of our hotel partners. We also partnered with 5 other BC DMO’s and sponsored the Monday night social. This was a huge success, we all made some great contacts and look forward to what’s ahead with them. Next up was Ottawa meet week. The first stop was at Destination Direct where I was able to meet 15 qualified planners one on one. Next was Tete-A-Tete followed by the MPI Gala. New contacts were made as well as existing contacts renewed.
I have been busy working on several large RFP’s and have been working with Destination Vancouver with additional rooms for a few large-scale events coming in 2025 and 2026.  The next trip is to the E-Sport travel show in Raleigh North Carolina and the CanSPEP conference in Victoria. 2024 looks to be a banner year.
Brad Styba

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