January 2024

Executive Director Update

2024 has started with a bang and we have lots of news and updates to share on what promises to be a banner year for the visitor economy in Burnaby.
First off, we’re growing our team – we’re hiring an Office Administrator and Business Information Analyst. Bringing these new team members on board is all about making our operations more strategic and efficient. They’ll play a crucial role in helping us streamline our processes, allowing us to focus on growth and successfully meet our ambitious goals for the year.
In other news, we’re launching something big called Cineventure later this year. It’s all about film tourism, and we’re working with a few other DMOs to develop what will be the largest and most comprehensive film tourism product the province has ever seen – and of course Burnaby is at the forefront. Keep an eye out for more info coming your way soon!
Don’t forget about the Bite of Burnaby launch party on February 28th. It’s shaping up to be an epic night. As of this morning we only have 20 spots left, so if you haven’t RSVP’d – get on it!
We’re also shaking things up in our team. Catherine McCooey is stepping up as our new Director of Marketing. Sammy Darmawan is taking on the role of Events and Marketing Specialist, and Brad Styba is transitioning to Business Development Manager. He’ll still be your go-to guy for meetings and events, but he’ll also be handling our stakeholder and partner communications.
That’s all for now, but there’s more exciting news on the way. Thanks for being a part of our journey, and here’s to an amazing year ahead for all of us in Burnaby!
Chris Peters

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